Loose Your Marbles
HD Video, 22 min.
color, black and white, stereosound, English with English subtitles
Working with the transliteration of the conference „Therapy by Design“ (1964) Loose Your Marbles addresses the interwoven histories of pathologizing deviant female subjectivities as crazy, hysterical, and mentally ill and the relevance of taste and style as an expression of social and gendered power position and means of class distinction.
concept, research, edit, animation, production: Laura Nitsch
Text by Nectar / Sophie Halder and Carmen Lael Hines (PDF) →
Loose Your Marbles
HD Video, 22 min.
color, black and white, stereosound, english with english subtitles
Working with the transliteration of the conference 'Therapy by Design' (1964) Loose Your Marbles addresses the interwoven histories of pathologizing deviant female subjectivities as crazy, hysterical, and mentally ill and the relevance of taste and style as an expression of social and gendered power position and means of class distinction.
concept, research, edit, animation, production: Laura Nitsch
Text by Nectar ⋅ Sophie Halder and Carmen Lael Hines (PDF) →